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How Insulin Helped Create Ant Societies

August 14, 2018

Evolution may have coopted an ancient metabolic mechanism to set social insects on the path toward one of the most puzzling behaviors found in nature.

A Math Theory for Why People Hallucinate

July 30, 2018

Psychedelic drugs can trigger characteristic hallucinations, which have long been thought to hold clues about the brain’s circuitry. After nearly a century of study, a possible explanation is crystallizing.

Swarming Bacteria Create an ‘Impossible’ Superfluid

July 26, 2018

Researchers explore a loophole that extracts useful energy from a fluid’s seemingly random motion. The secret? Sugar and asymmetry.

To Remember, the Brain Must Actively Forget

July 24, 2018

Researchers find evidence that neural systems actively remove memories, suggesting that forgetting may be the default mode of the brain.

Why Nature Prefers Couples, Even for Yeast

July 17, 2018

Some species have the equivalent of many more than two sexes, but most do not. A new model suggests the reason depends on how often they mate.

To Make Sense of the Present, Brains May Predict the Future

July 10, 2018

A controversial theory suggests that perception, motor control, memory and other brain functions all depend on comparisons between ongoing actual experiences and the brain’s modeled expectations.

Slime Molds Remember — but Do They Learn?

July 9, 2018

Evidence mounts that organisms without nervous systems can in some sense learn and solve problems, but researchers disagree about whether this is “primitive cognition.”

Salamander’s Genome Guards Secrets of Limb Regrowth

July 2, 2018

With a fully sequenced genome in hand, scientists hope they are finally poised to learn how axolotls regenerate lost body parts.

Mathematics Shows How to Ensure Evolution

June 26, 2018

New results emerging from graph theory prove that the way a population is organized can guarantee the eventual triumph of natural selection — or permanently thwart it.

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