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Genetic Engineering to Clash With Evolution

September 8, 2016

Gene drives promise to spread a trait across an entire population. But evolutionary forces are going to alter even the best-engineered plans.

The Strange Case of Typhoid Mary

August 31, 2016

The infamous case of Typhoid Mary underscores the importance of tolerance in understanding disease.

A New Way to Predict Infection’s Toll

August 30, 2016

Scientists have developed new ways to forecast who will bounce back from disease by studying not just the way the immune system fights infections, but how the body repairs itself.

A New Step in Re-Creating First Life on Earth

August 25, 2016

An RNA molecule that can make copies of a variety of RNAs adds new support to the RNA-world theory.

The Neuroscience Behind Bad Decisions

August 23, 2016

Irrationality may be a consequence of the brain’s ravenous energy needs.

Jammed Cells Expose the Physics of Cancer

August 16, 2016

The subtle mechanics of densely packed cells may help explain why some cancerous tumors stay put while others break off and spread through the body.

How to Grow a New Model Organism

July 27, 2016

To develop new model organisms, scientists will have to find species that are easy to grow in the lab.

Biologists Search for New Model Organisms

July 26, 2016

The bulk of biological research is centered on a handful of species. Are we missing a huge chunk of interesting biology?

Faster Evolution on a Warmer Earth

July 12, 2016

When life first emerged roughly 4 billion years ago, DNA may have been a much more malleable molecule.

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