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Physicists Peer Inside a Fireball of Quantum Matter
Experimenters in Germany have glimpsed the kind of strange, non-atomic matter thought to fill the cores of merging neutron stars.
Sun’s Puzzling Plasma Recreated in a Laboratory
For the first time, researchers have created a scale model of the twisting loops of the sun’s magnetic field.
Big Black Holes Found in the Smallest Galaxies
Tiny, dim “dwarf” galaxies have been found to hide gas-spewing black holes.
Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests
Three experiments have vetted quantum Darwinism, a theory that explains how quantum possibilities can give rise to objective, classical reality.
Wandering Space Rocks Help Solve Mysteries of Planet Formation
After an interstellar asteroid shot past the sun, scientists realized that there’s probably a lot of itinerant rocks out there.
How (Relatively) Simple Symmetries Underlie Our Expanding Universe
Although Einstein’s theory of space-time seems more complicated than Newtonian physics, it greatly simplified the mathematical description of the universe.
The Quantum Theory That Peels Away the Mystery of Measurement
A recent test has confirmed the predictions of quantum trajectory theory.
How to Understand the Universe When You’re Stuck Inside of It
Lee Smolin’s radical idea to reimagine how we view the universe.
The Simple Idea Behind Einstein’s Greatest Discoveries
Lurking behind Einstein’s theory of gravity and our modern understanding of particle physics is the deceptively simple idea of symmetry. But physicists are beginning to question whether focusing on symmetry is still as productive as it once was.