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The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End
In a landmark series of calculations, physicists have proved that black holes can shed information.
Deep Neural Networks Help to Explain Living Brains
Deep neural networks, often criticized as “black boxes,” are helping neuroscientists understand the organization of living brains.
The Epigenetic Secrets Behind Dopamine, Drug Addiction and Depression
New research links serotonin and dopamine not just to addiction and depression, but to the ability to control genes.
A Scientist Who Delights in the Mundane
From crumpled paper to termite mounds to three-sided coins, L. Mahadevan has turned the whole world into his laboratory.
A New Map of All the Particles and Forces
We’ve created a new way to explore the fundamental constituents of the universe.
The Hidden Structure of the Universe
Our new series of articles explores the search for fundamental structure at the edge of science.
To Boldly Go Where No Internet Protocol Has Gone Before
Vinton Cerf helped create the internet 40 years ago, and he’s still working to connect people around the world — and off it.
Quantum Tunnels Show How Particles Can Break the Speed of Light
Recent experiments show that particles should be able to go faster than light when they quantum mechanically “tunnel” through walls.
An Infinite Universe of Number Systems
The p-adics form an infinite collection of number systems based on prime numbers. They’re at the heart of modern number theory.