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Solution: ‘Darwinian Evolution Explains Lamarckism’

June 2, 2017

How Darwinian natural selection can produce and sustain a Lamarckian “inheritance of acquired characteristics.”

A Theory of Reality as More Than the Sum of Its Parts

June 1, 2017

New math shows how, contrary to conventional scientific wisdom, conscious beings and other macroscopic entities might have greater influence over the future than do the sum of their microscopic components.

Latest Black Hole Collision Comes With a Twist

June 1, 2017

The Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory’s third detection further compounds the mystery of why black holes collide.

A Puzzle of Clever Connections Nears a Happy End

May 30, 2017

The three young friends who devised the “happy ending” problem would become some of the most influential mathematicians of the 20th century, but were never able to solve their own puzzle. Now it receives its first big breakthrough.

Journey to the Birth of the Solar System

May 25, 2017

Join David Kaplan on a virtual-reality tour showing how the sun, the Earth and the other planets came to be.

Awash in Sea of Data, Ecologists Turn to Open Access Tools

May 24, 2017

To assess the ocean’s health, ecology’s “rugged individualists” learned to get with the big data program.

The Mathematics of Juggling

May 24, 2017

Juggling has advanced enormously in recent decades, thanks in part to the mathematical study of possible patterns.

The Thoughts of a Spiderweb

May 23, 2017

Spiders appear to offload cognitive tasks to their webs, making them one of a number of species with a mind that isn’t fully confined within the head.

Discoveries Fuel Fight Over Universe’s First Light

May 19, 2017

A series of observations at the very edge of the universe has reignited a debate over what lifted the primordial cosmic fog.

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