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Treading Softly in a Connected World
In an increasingly interconnected world, scientists are seeking safeguards against catastrophic cascades of failure like stock market crashes and widespread blackouts.
Peering Into the Early Universe
Three “extremely large telescopes” poised to begin observations within a decade could help answer some of the universe’s oldest and best-kept secrets.
How to Make Impossible Wallpaper
A new collection of arresting wallpaper designs seems to defy the crystallographic restriction.
In Computers We Trust?
As the role of computers in pure mathematics grows, researchers debate their reliability.
In Mysterious Pattern, Math and Nature Converge
All complex correlated systems, from Arctic melt ponds to the Internet, appear to be governed by the same math as a random matrix.
Computer Scientists Take Road Less Traveled
An infinitesimal advance in the traveling salesman problem breathes new life into the search for improved approximate solutions.
Hunger Game: Is Honesty Between Animals Always the Best Policy?
Game theorists have developed a new model of communication among animals. It suggests evolution will produce a situation in which members of a species are honest most of the time, but not always.
Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
If a new hypothesis about black hole firewalls proves correct, at least one of three cherished notions in theoretical physics must be wrong.
Classical Computing Embraces Quantum Ideas
Computer scientists are finding that “thinking quantumly” can lead to new insights into long-standing problems in classical computer science, mathematics and cryptography, regardless of whether quantum computers ever materialize.