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The Physicist Who’s Challenging the Quantum Orthodoxy

July 10, 2023

For decades, physicists have struggled to develop a quantum theory of gravity. But what if gravity — and space-time — are fundamentally classical?

The Lawlessness of Large Numbers

July 7, 2023

Mathematicians can often figure out what happens as quantities grow infinitely large. What about when they are just a little big?

Elliptic Curves Yield Their Secrets in a New Number System

July 6, 2023

Ana Caraiani and James Newton have extended an important result in number theory to the imaginary realm.

Microbes Gained Photosynthesis Superpowers From a ‘Proton Pump’

July 5, 2023

New research reveals how marine microbes use an extra membrane that once had digestive functions to boost their yield from photosynthesis.

A New Map of the Universe, Painted With Cosmic Neutrinos

June 29, 2023

Physicists finally know where at least some of these high-energy particles come from, which helps make the neutrinos useful for exploring fundamental physics.

An Enormous Gravity ‘Hum’ Moves Through the Universe

June 28, 2023

Astronomers have found a background din of exceptionally long-wavelength gravitational waves pervading the cosmos.

What Can Jellyfish Teach Us About Fluid Dynamics?

June 28, 2023

Jellyfish and other aquatic creatures embody solutions to diverse problems in engineering, medicine and mathematics. John Dabiri, a fluid dynamics expert, talks with Steven Strogatz about what jellyfish can teach us about going with the flow.

How Math Achieved Transcendence

June 27, 2023

Transcendental numbers include famous examples like e and π, but it took mathematicians centuries to understand them.

The Key to Species Diversity May Be in Their Similarities

June 26, 2023

New modeling work suggests why nature is more diverse than niche-based ecological theory predicts.

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