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Sparse Networks Come to the Aid of Big Physics

June 8, 2023

A novel type of neural network is helping physicists with the daunting challenge of data analysis.


An Explorer of Abyssal Depths Looks to Oceans on Other Worlds

June 7, 2023

The marine geochemist Chris German brings decades of experience studying seafloor hydrothermal vents to NASA’s preparations for visits to other ocean worlds in our solar system.

In New Paradox, Black Holes Appear to Evade Heat Death

June 6, 2023

The puzzling behavior of black hole interiors has led researchers to propose a new physical law: the second law of quantum complexity.

First-Year Graduate Student Finds Paradoxical Set

June 5, 2023

No two pairs have the same sum; add three numbers together, and you can get any whole number.

How Math Has Changed the Shape of Gerrymandering

June 1, 2023

New tools make it possible to detect hidden manipulation of maps.

What Is the Nature of Consciousness?

May 31, 2023

Consciousness, our experience of being in the world, is one of the mind’s greatest mysteries, but as the neuroscientist Anil Seth explains to Steven Strogatz, research is making progress in understanding this elusive phenomenon.

Data Compression Drives the Internet. Here’s How It Works.

May 31, 2023

One student’s desire to get out of a final exam led to the ubiquitous algorithm that shrinks data without sacrificing information.

How 3D Changes in the Genome Turned Sharks Into Skates

May 30, 2023

Changes in the 3D structure of their genome gave skates and rays their distinctive winglike fins and pancake flatness.


The Physicist Who Glues Together Universes

May 25, 2023

Renate Loll has helped pioneer a radically new approach to quantum gravity. She assumes that the fabric of space-time is a blend of all possible fabrics, and she has developed the computational tools needed to calculate the far-reaching implications of that assumption.

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