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A Mathematician Who Dances to the Joys and Sorrows of Discovery
Federico Ardila opens up about his journey as a mathematician, teacher, Colombian transplant, DJ and creator of mathematical spaces.
Moonshine Link Discovered for Pariah Symmetries
A type of symmetry so unusual that it was called a “pariah” turns out to have deep connections to number theory.
In Game Theory, No Clear Path to Equilibrium
John Nash’s notion of equilibrium is ubiquitous in economic theory, but a new study shows that it is often impossible to reach efficiently.
How to Quantify (and Fight) Gerrymandering
Powerful new quantitative tools are now available to combat partisan bias in the drawing of voting districts.
Graph Isomorphism Vanquished — Again
Just five days after posting a retraction, László Babai announced that he had fixed the error in his landmark graph isomorphism algorithm.
Complexity Theory Problem Strikes Back
The legendary graph isomorphism problem may be harder than a 2015 result seemed to suggest.
All Is Not Fair in Cake-Cutting and Math
When divvying something up, there's more than one way to define what's fair.
How to Cut Cake Fairly and Finally Eat It Too
Computer scientists have come up with a bounded algorithm that can fairly divide a cake among any number of people.
The Oracle of Arithmetic
At 28, Peter Scholze is uncovering deep connections between number theory and geometry.