Leila Sloman

Contributing Correspondent

Latest Articles

How Complex Is a Knot? New Proof Reveals Ranking System That Works.

May 18, 2022

“Ribbon concordance” will let mathematicians compare knots by linking them across four-dimensional space.

Mathematicians Coax Fluid Equations Into Nonphysical Solutions

May 2, 2022

The famed Navier-Stokes equations can lead to cases where more than one result is possible, but only in an extremely narrow set of situations.

New Proof Illuminates the Hidden Structure of Common Equations

April 21, 2022

Van der Waerden’s conjecture mystified mathematicians for 85 years. Its solution shows how polynomial roots relate to one another.

In New Math Proofs, Artificial Intelligence Plays to Win

March 7, 2022

A new computer program fashioned after artificial intelligence systems like AlphaGo has solved several open problems in combinatorics and graph theory.

Mathematicians Prove 30-Year-Old André-Oort Conjecture

February 3, 2022

A team of mathematicians has solved an important question about how solutions to polynomial equations relate to sophisticated geometric objects called Shimura varieties.

Mathematician Answers Chess Problem About Attacking Queens

September 21, 2021

The n-queens problem is about finding how many different ways queens can be placed on a chessboard so that none attack each other. A mathematician has now all but solved it.

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