Viviane Callier

Contributing Writer

Latest Articles

Brain-Signal Proteins Evolved Before Animals Did

June 3, 2022

Some animal neuropeptides have been around longer than nervous systems.

Secrets of Early Animal Evolution Revealed by Chromosome ‘Tectonics’

February 2, 2022

Large blocks of genes conserved through hundreds of millions of years of evolution hint at how the first animal chromosomes came to be.

Flying Fish and Aquarium Pets Yield Secrets of Evolution

January 5, 2022

New studies reveal the ancient, shared genetic “grammar” underpinning the diverse evolution of fish fins and tetrapod limbs.

Sponge Genes Hint at the Origins of Neurons and Other Cells

November 4, 2021

A new study of gene expression in sponges reveals the complex diversity of their cells as well as some possibly ancient connections between the nervous, immune and digestive systems.

How Do New Organs Evolve? A Beetle Gland Shows the Way.

August 16, 2021

The evolution of a defensive gland in beetles shows how organs can arise from novel cells carving out new functional niches for their neighbors.

How Animals Color Themselves With Nanoscale Structures

June 16, 2021

Animals sculpt the optical properties of their tissues at the nanoscale to give themselves “structural colors.” New work is piecing together how they do it.

DNA’s Histone Spools Hint at How Complex Cells Evolved

May 10, 2021

New work shows that histones, long treated as boring spools for DNA, sit at the center of the origin story of eukaryotes and continue to play important roles in evolution and disease.

Some Proteins Change Their Folds to Perform Different Jobs

February 3, 2021

Unusual proteins that can quickly fold into different shapes provide cells with a novel regulatory mechanism.

Plant Cells of Different Species Can Swap Organelles

January 20, 2021

In grafted plants, shrunken chloroplasts can jump between species by slipping through unexpected gateways in cell walls.

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