Quanta Magazine | Science and Math News

A robot picking words from a pile

Samuel Velasco and Kristina Armitage/Quanta Magazine

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How ‘Embeddings’ Encode What Words Mean — Sort Of

Machines work with words by embedding their relationships with other words in a string of numbers.

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Cells Across the Tree of Life Exchange ‘Text Messages’ Using RNA

Cells across the tree of life can swap short-lived messages encoded by RNA — missives that resemble a quick text rather than a formal memo on letterhead.

The Search for What Shook the Earth for Nine Days Straight

Last year, an immense but brief outburst of seismic energy was soon followed by a long hum that made the world ring. Finding its cause took 68 scientists and an assist by the Danish military.

Novel Architecture Makes Neural Networks More Understandable

By tapping into a decades-old mathematical principle, researchers are hoping that Kolmogorov-Arnold networks will facilitate scientific discovery.

The Cellular Secret to Resisting the Pressure of the Deep Sea

Cell membranes from comb jellies reveal a new kind of adaptation to the deep sea: curvy lipids that conform to an ideal shape under pressure.

The First Nuclear Clock Will Test if Fundamental Constants Change

An ultra-precise measurement of a transition in the hearts of thorium atoms gives physicists a tool to probe the forces that bind the universe.

How the Higgs Field (Actually) Gives Mass to Elementary Particles

In this article adapted from his new book, "Waves in an Impossible Sea," physicist Matt Strassler explains that the origin of mass in the universe has a lot to do with music.


Perplexing the Web, One Probability Puzzle at a Time

The mathematician Daniel Litt has driven social media users to distraction with a series of simple-seeming but counterintuitive probability puzzles.

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Close-up portrait of a man reaching for something in a laboratory.

Searching for Dark Matter with a Tabletop ‘Quantum Compass’

Emily Buder/Quanta Magazine; Rui Braz for Quanta Magazine

Special Features

The Joy of Why

Shapes forming an atom
00:00 / 42:54

The Industrial Revolution brought us the laws of thermodynamics, and new ideas about work, energy and efficiency. In this episode, co-host Steven Strogatz speaks with theoretical physicist Nicole Yunger Halpern about what these concepts might mean in the age of quantum mechanics.


The Quest to Decode the Mandelbrot Set, Math’s Famed Fractal

For decades, a small group of mathematicians has patiently unraveled the mystery of what was once math’s most popular picture. Their story shows how technology transforms even the most abstract mathematical landscapes.

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