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How to Triumph and Cooperate in Game Theory and Evolution
...the mom, evolution tries to optimize the fitness of the organism, which is analogous to maximizing the total amount of cake eaten by the twins. The new allele ratio will...
‘Crazy’ Supernova Looks Like a New Kind of Star Death
...Knowing the full spectrum of stellar fates is crucial for understanding galactic evolution. Yet recent findings like the one from Las Cumbres suggest that stars die in more ways than...
A Zombie Gene Protects Elephants From Cancer
...the growth of embryonic stem cells. Lynch presented his work at the Pan-American Society for Evolutionary Developmental Biology meeting in Calgary in August 2017, and it is currently posted on...
Life’s First Molecule Was Protein, Not RNA, New Model Suggests actual experimentation. “Everything that goes back further than 2.5 to 3 billion years is speculation,” said Erich Bornberg-Bauer, a professor of molecular evolution at the Westfälische Wilhelms University of...
The Unforgiving Math That Stops Epidemics are also important. While hosts can purposely protect themselves, microbes don’t choose their traits. But over time, evolution can shape them in a manner that increases their chances of...
Colliding Neutron Stars Could Settle the Biggest Debate in Cosmology
...into account important details that have affected the universe’s evolution. But to see if that’s the case, they need an independent check on the measurements. Neutron-star collisions — newly detectable...
Newfound Wormhole Allows Information to Escape Black Holes particles interact, information about them is never lost, only scrambled, so that if you reversed the arrow of time in the universe’s quantum evolution, you’d see things unscramble into...
Insects Conquered a Watery Realm With Just Two New Genes
...what’s needed to provide a complete answer to how phenotypic evolution occurs. “The integrative, interdisciplinary nature of this demonstration is what’s striking here,” said Ehab Abouheif, an evolutionary developmental biologist...
Simple Bacteria Offer Clues to the Origins of Photosynthesis
...State University have extrapolated what the earliest version of photosynthesis might have looked like nearly 3.5 billion years ago. If they are right, their findings could rewrite the evolutionary history...