Quanta Magazine | Science and Math News

An astronaut floats in front of a black hole, which is sucking various shapes and objects into it.

Señor Salme for Quanta Magazine

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The Unraveling of Space-Time

This special issue of Quanta Magazine explores the ultimate scientific quest: the search for the fundamental nature of reality.

Mathematicians Discover New Shapes to Solve Decades-Old Geometry Problem

Mathematicians have long wondered how “shapes of constant width” behave in higher dimensions. A surprisingly simple construction has given them an answer.

How ‘Embeddings’ Encode What Words Mean — Sort Of

Machines work with words by embedding their relationships with other words in a string of numbers.

Cells Across the Tree of Life Exchange ‘Text Messages’ Using RNA

Cells across the tree of life can swap short-lived messages encoded by RNA — missives that resemble a quick text rather than a formal memo on letterhead.

The Search for What Shook the Earth for Nine Days Straight

Last year, an immense but brief outburst of seismic energy was soon followed by a long hum that made the world ring. Finding its cause took 68 scientists and an assist by the Danish military.

Scientists looking at globe of interconnected lights

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Close-up portrait of a man reaching for something in a laboratory.

Searching for Dark Matter with a Tabletop ‘Quantum Compass’

Emily Buder/Quanta Magazine; Rui Braz for Quanta Magazine

Special Features


The Thought Experiments That Fray the Fabric of Space-Time

These three imagined scenarios lead many physicists to doubt that space-time is fundamental.

Quanta Podcast

Dark Energy May Be Weakening, Major Astrophysics Study Finds

A generation of physicists has referred to the dark energy that permeates the universe as “the cosmological constant.” Now the largest map of the cosmos to date hints that this mysterious energy has been changing over billions of years.

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Illuminating basic science and math research through public service journalism.

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Quanta Magazine is committed to in-depth, accurate journalism that serves the public interest. Each article braids the complexities of science with the malleable art of storytelling and is meticulously reported, edited and fact-checked. Launched and funded by the Simons Foundation, Quanta is editorially independent — our articles do not reflect or represent the views of the foundation.

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