Quanta Magazine | Science and Math News

Myriam Wares for Quanta Magazine

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New Proofs Probe the Limits of Mathematical Truth

By proving a broader version of Hilbert’s famous 10th problem, two groups of mathematicians have expanded the realm of mathematical unknowability.

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Chatbot Software Begins to Face Fundamental Limitations

Recent results show that large language models struggle with compositional tasks, suggesting a hard limit to their abilities.

How Does Life Happen When There’s Barely Any Light?

Under the sea ice during the Arctic’s pitch-black polar night, cells power photosynthesis on the lowest light levels ever observed in nature.

Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Shape of the Universe

Is the universe flat and infinite, or something more complex? We can’t say for sure, but a new search strategy is mapping out the subtle signals that could reveal if the universe has a shape.

New Book-Sorting Algorithm Almost Reaches Perfection

The library sorting problem is used across computer science for organizing far more than just books. A new solution is less than a page-width away from the theoretical ideal.

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Why Some People Don’t ‘See’ Mental Imagery: Aphantasia

Christopher W. Young/Quanta Magazine

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The Thought Experiments That Fray the Fabric of Space-Time

These three imagined scenarios lead many physicists to doubt that space-time is fundamental.

The Joy of Why

Planets surrounding Earth
00:00 / 37:48

The first planet beyond our solar system was identified just 30 years ago. Since then, thousands have been found and characterized. As we look for more, exoplanet experts are also probing for signs of alien biospheres hundreds of light-years away. In this episode, co-host Janna Levin speaks with astrophysicist and astrobiologist Lisa Kaltenegger about how we’ll know we’re not alone in the cosmos.

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