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Standard Model of Cosmology Survives a Telescope’s Surprising Finds
...universe; maybe the gas is denser; maybe somehow it is flowing in faster. I think we’re still learning about those processes.” Somerville also studies the possibility that black holes interfered...
Gravitational Waves Should Permanently Distort Space-Time
...loss of information in black holes, a very deep issue in the structure of space and time.” A Scar in Space-Time Why would a gravitational wave permanently change space-time’s structure?...
Bubble Experiment Finds Universal Laws
...basis,” said Amir Pahlavan, a mechanical engineer at Princeton University and a co-author of the recent work. “For black holes, it’s much harder to study and observe them.” The End...
A Century Later, New Math Smooths Out General Relativity holes. This could occur even in a space with small amounts of matter, if it’s concentrated strongly enough. In a recent paper, Conghan Dong, a graduate student at Stony...
Mathematicians Attempt to Glimpse Past the Big Bang
...Observatory in Greenwich. Something similar happens at the boundary of mathematical models of black holes. The equations that describe spherical nonrotating black holes, worked out by the physicist Karl Schwarzschild...
How Will the Universe End? leave a black hole alone long enough, it’ll kind of radiate away its energy — the black holes evaporate, everything decays into this disordered energy. So everything that was...
Where Do Space, Time and Gravity Come From? hole, all of the information, all the quantum mechanical information inside a black hole, can in certain circumstances be thought of as spread out on the boundary of the...
Neutron-Star Collision Shakes Space-Time and Lights Up the Sky
...discovery that earned the experiment’s architects the Nobel Prize in Physics this month. Three more signals from black hole collisions followed the initial discovery. Yet black holes don’t give off...
‘Crazy’ Supernova Looks Like a New Kind of Star Death
...pair-instability, at which point, finally, they gravitationally collapse into black holes. (If Woosley’s theory is correct, there ought to be an absence of black holes over a certain mass range,...