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How the Bits of Quantum Gravity Can Buzz
...extreme places: around the time of the Big Bang, or in the heart of black holes. “The problem with black holes is that they’re black, and so nothing comes out,”...
In a Multiverse, What Are the Odds?
...encountered the measure problem in the 1990s as a graduate student working with Stephen Hawking, the doyen of black hole physics. Black holes prove there is no such thing as...
Whisper From the First Stars Sets Off Loud Dark Matter Debate looked at black holes as a possible explanation, since black holes are the brightest extragalactic radio sources in the sky. Yet black holes also produce other forms of radiation,...
The Simple Idea Behind Einstein’s Greatest Discoveries still as productive as it once was. The flashier fruits of Albert Einstein’s century-old insights are by now deeply embedded in the popular imagination: Black holes, time warps and...
This Cosmologist Knows How It’s All Going to End
...eventually star formation halts, because there’s no new material being brought in. The stars you have burn out. A lot of things fall into black holes, then the black holes...
Joe Polchinski’s Restless Pursuit of Quantum Gravity
...a paradox about the nature of black holes. The “firewall argument,” as it’s called — developed with Ahmed Almheiri, Donald Marolf and James Sully — “took form over three months...
A Hint of Dark Matter Sends Physicists Looking to the Skies
...from undiscovered particles to black holes. One idea in particular, however, is drawing renewed attention: the axion. And researchers are turning to the skies to track it down. Axions are...
For Astronomers, Neutron Star Merger Could Eclipse Eclipse had detected gravitational waves from two colliding black holes. Four months later, while still in its first observing run, the team confirmed the detection of a second black hole...
The End of Theoretical Physics as We Know It one can calculate how they come together to make a proton. The equations just can’t be solved by any known methods. Similarly, a merger of black holes or even...