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How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics
...more than glorified photocopies. Oversize mathematical symbols scrawled in thick black ink frequently interrupt the neatly typed sentences. The text is also written in French, an inconvenience for researchers in...
The Two Faces of Space-Time the real universe, too. “The whole game of understanding quantum gravity is to figure out how all of this bulk physics, the interior of black holes, is mapped into...
What Is Entropy? A Measure of Just How Little We Really Know.
...what entropy means in black holes. “The observational entropy framework provides much more clarity,” said Philipp Strasberg, a physicist at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, who recently included it in...
Experiment Reaffirms Quantum Weirdness holes, for instance, suggests that the stronger the gravity in a volume of space-time, the fewer bits can be stored in that region. Could gravity be reducing the number...
Rainer Weiss, Remembering the Little Room in the Plywood Palace
...faraway collision of two black holes. Along with the physicists Kip Thorne and Ron Drever, Weiss founded the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO), the experiment that in February 2016 announced...
Subhash Khot, Playing Unique Games in Washington Square Park
...and a special quantum theory describing particles on the bottle’s rigid surface, which seems to project the dynamic interior like a hologram. Maldacena’s discovery has enabled physicists to probe black...
Building Codes for Bacterial Cities
...had engineered a small plastic slab studded with holes, like the world’s tiniest slice of Swiss cheese, called a microfluidic chip. It was meant to resemble the porous environments, such...
Moonshine Link Discovered for Pariah Symmetries
...symmetry groups to special classes of “weight 3/2” modular forms, objects that also show up in natural counting functions for black holes and for higher-dimensional generalizations of strings called “branes.”...
Ultra-Powerful Radio Bursts May Be Getting a Cosmic Boost
...What could possibly be making such blasts? Astrophysicists imagined one-off cataclysms — perhaps collapsing stars, or colliding black holes — which would seem to be the only way to generate...