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To Make Two Black Holes Collide, Try Three
...process, to make black holes come together more quickly than anticipated. The trouble starts before black holes form in the first place. Black holes are essentially dead relics of massive...
In Violation of Einstein, Black Holes Might Have ‘Hair’
A new study shows that extreme black holes could break the famous “no-hair” theorem, and in a way that we could detect. Identical twins have nothing on black holes. Twins...
‘Unicorn’ Discovery Points to a New Population of Black Holes
Small black holes were nowhere to be found, leading astronomers to wonder if they didn’t exist at all. Now a series of findings, including a “unicorn” black hole, has raised...
Black Holes Will Eventually Destroy All Quantum States, Researchers Argue somehow it’s deep.” Black Holes and Superpositions To understand how a black hole could observe the universe, start small. Consider the classic double-slit experiment, in which quantum particles are...
The #1 Clue to Quantum Gravity Sits on the Surfaces of Black Holes of thermodynamics. That is, unless the black hole’s swelling surface area meant that its own entropy was increasing to make up the difference. The black hole’s area should therefore...
Hologram Within a Hologram Hints at Fate of Black Holes the question of what happens to a 2D black hole’s information. Most experts assume that if the reasoning is correct, it should carry over to higher-dimensional black holes like...
Big Black Holes Found in the Smallest Galaxies
...holes in the universe came to exist. Many astrophysicists, including Bellovary, think that such supermassive black holes grow when entire galaxies smash into each other, leading their central black holes...
New Maps of the Bizarre, Chaotic Space-Time Inside Black Holes
...Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which is used to describe the gravity of black holes, uses a single field equation to explain how space curves and matter moves. But that...
At Long Last, Mathematical Proof That Black Holes Are Stable
...Kerr, are stationary, Giorgi said. “These formulas apply to black holes that are just sitting there and never change; those aren’t the black holes we see in nature.” To assess...