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Mining Black Hole Collisions for New Physics hole. If you were to measure spin versus mass of black holes, you should see that in a certain mass range for black holes you see no quickly rotating...
LIGO Reports Second Black-Hole Merger
...grew from the merger of small black holes, or if big black holes are formed in massive supernovae explosions of stars.” SXS Collaboration Update: Watch this simulation from the Simulating...
From Einstein’s Theory to Gravity’s Chirp
...reason we can see it from the two black holes is that they are closer together than two stars could ever be. The black holes are so tiny and yet...
Alice and Bob Meet the Wall of Fire
...Hawking realized that black holes aren’t completely black. While nothing might seem amiss to Alice as she crosses the event horizon, from Bob’s perspective, the horizon would appear to be...
Betting on the Future of Quantum Gravity
...constitute black holes. Profound conceptual puzzles posed by black holes suggest that the true theory will demand a radical new perspective on the universe — one in which space and...
Moonshine Master Toys With String Theory hole. Absolutely. You can ask about the information paradox or properties of various types of black holes, like realistic astrophysical black holes or supersymmetric black holes that come out...
What the Sight of a Black Hole Means to a Black Hole Physicist
...I have both found our way via relativity to the most remarkable of its predictions, black holes. Black holes were conceived of as a thought experiment, a fantastical imagining. Imagine...
Black Hole Paradoxes Reveal a Fundamental Link Between Energy and Order
...a black hole’s center that Einstein’s equations break. Thus generations of physicists have looked to black holes for clues about the true, quantum origin of gravity, which must fully reveal...
Gravitational Waves Discovered at Long Last
...whispers of these black-hole origin stories. Judging by its shape and size, that first, loudest chirp originated about 1.3 billion light-years away from the location where two black holes, each...