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Signs of a Stranger, Deeper Side to Nature’s Building Blocks
...of a lattice into the structure of the corresponding black hole by giving it a corrugated outer surface, or horizon. “When it comes to playing ball with black holes, you...
Janna Levin’s Theory of Doing Everything way of your research on black holes. Could you talk about this concept you’ve been developing — the black-hole battery? It started really naively. A neutron star has a...
Searching the Sky for the Wobbles of Gravity
...waves, and when they merge, they form a black hole. We also think that there could be lots of medium-size black holes that do this dance and coalesce to form...
Can Information Escape a Black Hole?
...century, when black holes were originally discovered. And I would love it if you could take us through the general relativistic understanding of black holes, without the complications of quantum...
What Drives Galaxies? The Milky Way’s Black Hole May Be the Key.
...supermassive black holes in the center. We let these black holes swallow gas and release energy until the whole thing flew apart, like a pressure cooker pot. Suddenly, the elliptical...
Wormholes Reveal a Way to Manipulate Black Hole Information in the Lab hole. Now make a second black hole that is quantum entangled with it, which means that anything that happens to one of the black holes will seem to have...
A Black Hole’s Orbiting Ring of Light Could Encrypt Its Inner Secrets unlock the secrets of Kerr black holes,” he said, referring to the kind of spinning black holes created when stars die and gravitationally collapse. (The photon ring forms concurrently.)...
Black-Hole Hunter Takes Aim at Einstein a supermassive black hole, and that similar black holes lurk at the cores of nearly all other galaxies as well. And for those revelations, they give a lot of...
Physicists Identify the Engine Powering Black Hole Energy Beams
Supermassive black holes emit jets of white-hot plasma that stretch thousands of light-years across the cosmos. For the first time, researchers have identified what’s creating these jets. Paradoxically, black holes,...