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The Physics of Cold Water May Have Jump-Started Complex Life
...his idea over the years but was otherwise uninvolved with the work. The field is overflowing with papers about triggers for the evolution of animal multicellularity that draw on geochemical...
A New Physics Theory of Life
Jeremy England, a 31-year-old physicist at MIT, thinks he has found the underlying physics driving the origin and evolution of life. Save Why does life exist? Popular hypotheses credit a...
Fragile DNA Enables New Adaptations to Evolve Quickly
If highly repetitive gene-regulating sequences in DNA are easily lost, then that may explain why some adaptations evolve quickly and repeatedly. Evolutionary biologists have puzzled over why nature, with vast...
In Ecology Studies and Selfless Ants, He Finds Hope for the Future
For more than six decades, the influential biologist Edward O. Wilson has drawn connections between evolution, ecology and behavior, often sparking controversies inside and outside of science. No one else...
Machine Learning’s ‘Amazing’ Ability to Predict Chaos
...recent successes in artificial intelligence — to predict the future evolution of chaotic systems out to stunningly distant horizons. The approach is being lauded by outside experts as groundbreaking and...
Can Microbes Encourage Altruism?
...part in research on how cooperation among members of a population can affect the evolution of new traits. The team came to feel that the classical explanations for the evolution...
Researchers Rethink the Ancestry of Complex Cells
...details of later ones and inferring their evolutionary relationships. Right now is “an incredibly exciting time” for such research, said Michelle Leger, a postdoctoral fellow at the Institute of Evolutionary...
How Jurassic Plankton Stole Control of the Ocean’s Chemistry
...changed when certain tiny marine creatures emerged in the Jurassic — and evolution in the ocean was never the same again. A Plankton Revolution About 250 million years ago, at...
Why Sex? Biologists Find New Explanations.
...focus on the future generations,” said Caitlin McDonough, who studies the evolution of reproductive systems at Syracuse University. McDonough’s work on the evolution of sexual behaviors has found evidence that...