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New Bird Species Arises From Hybrids, as Scientists Watch
...organisms’ evolutionary histories. Some of those clues suggest that interbreeding plays a larger role in the formation of new species than previously thought. But the issue remains contentious: Hybridization has...
Scientists Debate the Origin of Cell Types in the First Animals is demonstrating that it’s not like that,” said Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, an evolutionary biologist at the Institute of Evolutionary Biology in Barcelona. The first complication came in 2008, when a...
Inside Deep Undersea Rocks, Life Thrives Without the Sun
...the microbes that inhabit it. It has also offered a glimpse into the very origin and evolution of life, both on this planet and possibly elsewhere in the universe. Life...
Males Are the Taller Sex. Estrogen, Not Fights for Mates, May Be Why.
...evolutionary anthropologist at the University of Lethbridge who co-authored a 2016 review paper on the evolution of human height variation with Gert Stulp of the London School of Hygiene and...
How Two Became One: Origins of a Mysterious Symbiosis Found
...insights into how a complex evolutionary interaction between vastly different partners can play out on a molecular and developmental level over evolutionary time.” Partnering for Success Of the roughly 12,000...
Scientists Pin Down When Earth’s Crust Cracked, Then Came to Life
New data indicating that Earth’s surface broke up about 3.2 billion years ago helps clarify how plate tectonics drove the evolution of complex life. In 2016, the geochemists Jonas Tusch...
Scientists Catch Jumping Genes Rewiring Genomes
...of sites throughout the genome simultaneously; it’s hard to picture how natural selection enables that to happen. The answer may hold the key to understanding how complex evolutionary novelties such...
DNA Jumps Between Animal Species. No One Knows How Often. evolutionary genomicist at Reed College in Portland, Oregon, believes these cases of horizontal transfer still have “a pretty big wow factor” even among scientists, “because the conventional wisdom for...
Single Cells Evolve Large Multicellular Forms in Just Two Years
...his colleagues report that over the course of nearly two years of evolution, they have induced unicellular yeasts to grow into multicellular clusters of immense size, going from microscopic to...