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The Curious Strength of a Sea Sponge’s Glass Skeleton
...transport, or even more streamlined engineering in vehicles bound for space. “The process of trial and error over millions of years of evolution brings out the best” in materials, said...
Some Proteins Change Their Folds to Perform Different Jobs
...chain of amino acids that folds into a single stable configuration, one that evolution has selected over the ages for a particular function. But in the last few years, biophysicists...
RNA Brakes May Stabilize a Cellular Symbiosis
...was not involved in the study. Even though mutualistic relationships benefit both parties, it’s wrong to think of them as inherently stable, said Thomas Richards, a professor of evolutionary genomics...
The Brain Doesn’t Think the Way You Think It Does
...evolution, examining the progressive specialization of behavioral systems. “Functional subdivisions do exist in the brain,” he said. “And they actually have an evolutionary history to them. If we could identify...
Wildfires of Varying Intensity Can Be Good for Biodiversity
...recognize the levels of nuance and complexity at work. Viewing fire as a positive force in biodiversity and evolution will create a positive feedback loop that not only improves the...
Reshuffled Rivers Bolster the Amazon’s Hyper-Biodiversity
...he said. The relationship between geographic change and biodiversity is “one of the most contentious topics in evolutionary biology,” said Musher, who did the study as part of his doctoral...
How Do Fireflies Flash in Sync? Studies Suggest a New Answer.
...until now. It’s not yet clear why nature would favor the evolution of this hodgepodge state of synchronization rather than a more uniform one. But even basic synchrony has always...
Machine Learning Highlights a Hidden Order in Scents explain these irregular cases, Wiltschko and his team considered the requirements that evolution might have levied on our senses. Each sense has been tuned over millions of years to...
How Pools of Genetic Diversity Affect a Species’ Fate the species,” Steiner explained. “But that’s not enough if you think about it. When you talk about species, you’re not considering the whole evolutionary potential of all the different...