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To Make Two Black Holes Collide, Try Three
...because of a triple-system process. If a black hole binary system formed through the evolution of two stars without the influence of other bodies, they should be rotating and orbiting...
Soil’s Microbial Market Shows the Ruthless Side of Forests
...evolution lab at the University of Minnesota. Along with Stuart West, an evolutionary theorist at the University of Oxford whom Kiers had met in Panama, she and Denison modeled the...
A Mathematical Model Unlocks the Secrets of Vision
...successful history of modeling changing phenomena, from the movement of billiard balls to the evolution of space-time. These are examples of “dynamical systems” — systems that evolve over time according...
Origin-of-Life Study Points to Chemical Chimeras, Not RNA, published today in Nature Chemistry, highlights just how essential a diverse, complex blend of ingredients may have been to life’s earliest evolution. Bring On the Hybrid Monsters The narrative...
Nobel Awarded for Lithium-Ion Batteries and Portable Power
...and Whittingham. “It’s the lithium-ion battery that’s really underpinned the whole portable electronics revolution and is also making increased reduction of CO2 possible,” she added. “Over two-thirds of the world’s...
Solution: ‘Randomness From Determinism’
...two different interpretations: real or unreal. But if the worlds are unreal, then the Everett procedure is merely a mathematical artifice that allows you to imagine that the quantum evolution...
Black Hole Singularities Are as Inescapable as Expected
...singularity, it is not possible to evolve the equations of general relativity forward in time; evolution is only allowed along the space direction. Conversely, a particle approaching a timelike singularity...
Mathematician Proves Huge Result on ‘Dangerous’ Problem
...results of his career. Inputs and Outputs Partial differential equations, or PDEs, can be used to model many of the most fundamental physical processes in the universe, like the evolution...
Famous Fluid Equations Spring a Leak
...evolution of a fluid over time, just as Newton’s equations describe the motion of a billiard ball on a table. More exactly, the equations specify the instantaneous movement of infinitesimally...