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‘Social’ Mitochondria, Whispering Between Cells, Influence Health
...remember that sociality is a phenomenon with deep evolutionary roots. Bacteria are among the simplest of organisms, yet they exhibit remarkable community behaviors; they can act independently or together, communicating...
The Computer Scientist Training AI to Think With Analogies
...and Artificial Systems project, which will convene a series of interdisciplinary workshops over the next year examining how biological evolution, collective behavior (like that of social insects such as ants)...
Neither Star nor Planet: A Strange Brown Dwarf Puzzles Astronomers
...for that to happen, and at what point a brown dwarf becomes a star. “There’s a lot of aspects of stellar evolution that our knowledge is still pretty uncertain on,”...
This Physicist Discovered an Escape From Hawking’s Black Hole Paradox So this entropy measures ignorance. Page’s discovery was that if you assume that the evolution of the universe doesn’t lose information, then, if you start out with zero ignorance...
Karen Miga Fills In the Missing Pieces of Our Genome
...models and rates of evolution, and they offer new genetic information to help us understand genome structure and function. We have essentially opened the door to studying many gene families,...
Work on Earth’s Climate and Other Complex Systems Earns Nobel Prize in Physics
...the spin glass, and how, in general, the evolution of a complex system as a whole relates to the dynamics of the individual parts that make it up, have allowed...
The Uselessness of Useful Knowledge
...then translated this concept into the mathematical language of curved space-time and applied it to the force of gravity and the evolution of the cosmos. Without Einstein’s theory, the GPS...
Laws of Logic Lead to New Restrictions on the Big Bang
...would take in this final frame, which is a static, timeless snapshot. “For many years the confusion was, ‘How the hell can I get information about time evolution … in...
AI Researchers Fight Noise by Turning to Biology
...some scientists to look for solutions inspired by our own biological vision. “Evolution has been optimizing many, many organisms for millions of years and has found some pretty interesting and...