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Pioneers Linking Math and Computer Science Win the Abel Prize
...teenager he earned three gold medals at the International Math Olympiad and also triumphed in a Hungarian game show that put math prodigies inside glass isolation booths and challenged them...
Proof Assistant Makes Jump to Big-League Math
Mathematicians using the computer program Lean have verified the accuracy of a difficult theorem at the cutting edge of research mathematics. Computer proof assistants have been an intriguing subplot in...
The Deep Link Equating Math Proofs and Computer Programs
...1934, the mathematician and logician Haskell Curry noticed a similarity between functions in mathematics and the implication relationship in logic, which takes the form of “if-then” statements between two propositions....
Pierre de Fermat’s Link to a High School Student’s Prime Math Proof
How Fermat’s less famous “little theorem” got mathematicians young and old to play with prime-like Carmichael numbers. Like many math students, I had dreams of mathematical greatness. I thought I...
Math’s ‘Game of Life’ Reveals Long-Sought Repeating Patterns
John Conway’s Game of Life, a famous cellular automaton, has been found to have periodic patterns of every possible length. In 1969, the British mathematician John Conway devised a beguilingly...
‘Groups’ Underpin Modern Math. Here’s How They Work.
What do the integers have in common with the symmetries of a triangle? In the 19th century, mathematicians invented groups as an answer to this question. Mathematics started with numbers...
The Year in Math
...the world of mathematics and opened up new vistas for mathematicians to explore. Now mathematicians are trying to predict what that will look like with AI. Sphere-Packing Records Get...
Rational or Not? This Basic Math Question Took Decades to Answer.
...ancient question. In June 1978, the organizers of a large mathematics conference in Marseille, France, announced a last-minute addition to the program. During the lunch hour, the mathematician Roger Apéry...
After 20 Years, Math Couple Solves Major Group Theory Problem the presence of a deeper mathematical truth, one that mathematicians don’t yet have a handle on. A year after McKay first observed the coincidence, a mathematician named Marty Isaacs...