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New Earthquake Math Predicts How Destructive They’ll Be
The “pinball” model of a slipping fault line borrows from the mathematics of avalanches. When a fault slips, it unleashes a torrent of seismic waves, not all of them alike....
Math of the Penguins
Emperor penguins display rigorously geometric spacing and mathematical efficiency when they huddle together for warmth, which may reveal secrets to their overall health. Animals have evolved to protect against the...
How Math Has Changed the Shape of Gerrymandering
...“With modern technology, you can gerrymander pretty effectively without making your shapes very weird,” said Beth Malmskog, a mathematician at Colorado College. This makes it that much harder to figure...
Francis Su: Math Is for Everybody
Francis Su discusses how the community of mathematicians tends to exclude certain people. Mark Skovorodko for Quanta Magazine...
Francis Su: Math and the Good Life
Francis Su explains how mathematics can help a person to live well. Mark Skovorodko for Quanta Magazine...
Rebecca Goldin: Why Math Is the Best Way to Make Sense of the World
Rebecca Goldin explains why quantitative literacy is so important. Max Hirshfeld for Quanta Magazine...
The Unforgiving Math That Stops Epidemics
...other diseases are about much more than your health. They’re about achieving a collective resistance to disease that goes beyond individual well-being — and that is governed by mathematical principles...
Günter Ziegler Seeks God’s Perfect Math Proofs
Günter Ziegler describes one of the most famous and beautiful proofs in Proofs From THE BOOK, a book he co-authored with Martin Aigner. Aubrey Wade for Quanta Magazine...
The Slippery Math of Causation
...causation? Unlike correlation, which has a specific mathematical meaning, causation is a slippery concept that has been debated by philosophers for millennia. It seems to get conflated with our intuitions...