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Rebecca Goldin: Why Math Is the Best Way to Make Sense of the World
Rebecca Goldin explains why quantitative literacy is so important. Max Hirshfeld for Quanta Magazine...
The Unforgiving Math That Stops Epidemics
...other diseases are about much more than your health. They’re about achieving a collective resistance to disease that goes beyond individual well-being — and that is governed by mathematical principles...
Günter Ziegler Seeks God’s Perfect Math Proofs
Günter Ziegler describes one of the most famous and beautiful proofs in Proofs From THE BOOK, a book he co-authored with Martin Aigner. Aubrey Wade for Quanta Magazine...
The Slippery Math of Causation
...causation? Unlike correlation, which has a specific mathematical meaning, causation is a slippery concept that has been debated by philosophers for millennia. It seems to get conflated with our intuitions...
Solution: ‘The Slippery Math of Causation’
...variables, in a “fair” mathematical theory of causation, all of them should share equal responsibility for the outcomes. But in comparable real-world cases, we do not intuitively use mathematical equivalence...
Akshay Venkatesh: A Number Theorist Who Bridges Math and Time
Akshay Venkatesh on his mathematical working style, which took him many years to discover. Sasha Maslov for Quanta Magazine...
Evolutionary Math and Just-So Stories
Evolutionary stories like the grandmother hypothesis are easy to construct from mathematical models, but how well do they reflect reality? The story of Darwin’s finches — the species of birds...
How Network Math Can Help You Make Friends science. As new ideas join the network, they connect us all to the mathematics of the past as well as the future. So when it comes to mathematics, just...
Solution: ‘Evolutionary Math and Just-So Stories’
...problem, I presented three population structures based on John Rennie’s article “Mathematics Shows How to Ensure Evolution,” which described a mathematical study that used graph theory to show how certain...