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The Beautiful Mathematical Explorations of Maryam Mirzakhani “unrelatable and incomprehensible,” given that they were “math challenged.” However, Maryam was the opposite of unrelatable. She reminded us, in words and actions, that mathematical ideas can be understood...
The Mathematician Who Delights in Building Bridges
...her experiences in mathematics and her work on the Langlands program, which has been described as a way to create a “grand unified theory of mathematics.” The interview has been...
Mathematicians Identify the Best Versions of Iconic Shapes
...of shapes. These results occupy a quirky corner of math and, fittingly, have been produced by unlikely collaborations, involving a mathematician practicing origami with his wife and a professor teaching...
In Praise of Simple Problems
The mathematician Richard Schwartz finds the hidden depth lurking in simple mathematical puzzles. Most of the important discoveries in mathematics take place after decades or centuries of effort. If you...
Leslie Vosshall on Designer Mosquitoes and Dude Walls
...math, who thought it was boring or oppressive in some way, who — you know, who had math anxiety. This course was a very diverse class in every way you...
A Brazilian Wunderkind Who Calms Chaos math and nature. “It’s like a glue that connects many other subjects,” Krikorian said. Of the “two cultures of mathematics” described by the University of Cambridge mathematician and 1998...
He Dropped Out to Become a Poet. Now He’s Won a Fields Medal.
June Huh wasn’t interested in mathematics until a chance encounter during his sixth year of college. Now his profound insights connecting combinatorics and geometry have led to math’s highest honor....
The Tricky Translation of Mathematical Ideas
Big advances in math can happen when mathematicians move ideas into areas where they seem like they shouldn’t belong. My latest story is about the mathematician June Huh, who came...
Amateur Mathematician Finds Smallest Universal Cover
...John Baez, a mathematician at the University of California, Riverside. Baez lifted Lebesgue’s universal covering problem out of obscurity when he wrote about it in 2013 on his popular math...