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The NASA Engineer Who’s a Mathematician at Heart
...Langley Research Center. However, she soon discovered that her role as a mathematician was limited to performing time-consuming calculations by hand. To do the creative mathematical work she craved, Darden...
Mathematicians Set Numbers in Motion to Unlock Their Secrets
...“Elliptic curves are still mysterious enough that they’re generating new math all the time,” said Matt Baker, a mathematician at the Georgia Institute of Technology. Mathematicians are particularly interested in...
Teen Mathematicians Tie Knots Through a Mind-Blowing Fractal
...professional and amateur mathematicians alike. One reason: It looks cool. In 2014, hundreds of math enthusiasts participated in a global effort, called MegaMenger, to build finite, 200-pound versions of the...
Her Key to Modeling Brains: Ignore the Right Details
Being able to think like a physicist helps Carina Curto, a mathematician-turned-neuroscientist, pull insights about the human brain out of theoretical models. In May 2013, the mathematician Carina Curto attended...
Searching Symbols for the Rules of Change
...for clarity. When and how did you realize that you liked mathematics? Oh, I always liked math. I grew up with math in the house. It was always there, sort...
The Almost-Proof of Fermat’s Last Theorem
...Manjul Bhargava, a mathematician at Princeton University. “It’s so counterintuitive to think that could fail for a bigger number system, but it sometimes does.” 19th-century mathematicians thought the “roots of...
Untangling Why Knots Are Important
...How many different kinds of knots are there? And why do mathematicians and scientists care about knots anyway? Turns out, there’s lots of real-world applications for this branch of math,...
New Conversations, Deep Questions, Bold Ideas in Season Four of ‘The Joy of Why’ in your science? STROGATZ: Well, math generally, but especially how math connects to the real world. I’m what would be called an applied mathematician, and so that means, where’s...
What Can Jellyfish Teach Us About Fluid Dynamics?
...have to say, as a mathematician, I was always drawn to fluid dynamics because it’s so difficult. Some of the most difficult math problems that we have faced in the...