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Mathematicians Prove Symmetry of Phase Transitions
A group of mathematicians has shown that at critical moments, a symmetry called rotational invariance is a universal property across many physical systems. For more than 50 years, mathematicians have...
Mathematicians Prove Melting Ice Stays Smooth Soapy Inspiration In the decade before mathematicians began to understand the ice melting equations, they made tremendous progress on the mathematics of soap films. If you dip two wire...
Mathematicians Outwit Hidden Number Conspiracy
Decades ago, a mathematician posed a warmup problem for some of the most difficult questions about prime numbers. It turned out to be just as difficult to solve, until now....
Mathematicians Clear Hurdle in Quest to Decode Primes detailing just how it works.) In the years since Riemann proposed it, the Riemann hypothesis has instigated many advances in mathematics, though mathematicians have made little progress on the...
How to Write Software With Mathematical Perfection
...How are they different? Coq was designed to do real mathematics and to be able to capture the reasoning that mathematicians do. It’s what Georges Gonthier used to prove the...
Old Problem About Mathematical Curves Falls to Young Couple
...inspire developments in cryptography, digital storage and other areas well beyond pure mathematics. Still, Vakil said, it’s not enough to understand interpolation for most curves. Mathematicians want to know it...
Mathematicians Prove Hawking Wrong About the Most Extreme Black Holes
...they are by their proof that extremal black holes can exist. “This is a beautiful example of math giving back to physics,” said Elena Giorgi, a mathematician at Columbia University....
Mathematicians Discover New Shapes to Solve Decades-Old Geometry Problem
...teammates on Ukraine’s competitive Math Olympiad squad. They became friends, but didn’t stay in close touch. When their mathematical work later pulled them independently into the orbits of both Andriy...
Mathematicians Uncover a New Way to Count Prime Numbers
To make progress on one of number theory’s most elementary questions, two mathematicians turned to an unlikely source. A new proof has brought mathematicians one step closer to understanding the...