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3-D Fractals Offer Clues to Complex Systems equations and shapes using their own techniques. They twist and stretch mathematical objects, translate them into new mathematical languages, and apply them to new problems. As they find new...
The Illuminating Geometry of Viruses
...inactivated viruses. Twarock’s mathematical work also has applications beyond viruses. Govind Menon, a mathematician at Brown University, is exploring self-assembling micro- and nanotechnologies. “The mathematical literature on synthetic self-assembly is...
Kaisa Matomäki Dreams of Primes
...attend a boarding school that specialized in math instruction, and as a senior she won first prize in a national mathematics competition. When she began serious mathematical research as a...
The Strange Numbers That Birthed Modern Algebra
The 19th-century discovery of numbers called “quaternions” gave mathematicians a way to describe rotations in space, forever changing physics and math. Imagine winding the hour hand of a clock back...
Cori Bargmann on the Genetics of Transparent Worms, Supertasters and Cancer
...six time five divided by two. Strogatz: Wait a second, you did a nifty little math problem there. I want to make sure that I got that. I think I...
Frank Wilczek on the Strong Force, Quarks and Dark Matter
...So, then what happened? So, you’ve got this — well, you mentioned math, and I sort of cut you off. You said math and logic, those were interests of yours....
Emery Brown and the Truth About Anesthesia
...Exactly. Strogatz: But I think it would be unclear to many listeners. What does math have to do with the brain, what does math have to do with anesthesia? I...
What Hot Dogs Can Teach Us About Number Theory
The Chinese remainder theorem is an ancient and powerful extension of the simple math of least common multiples. If you’ve ever had to buy hot dogs for a cookout, you...
Where Do Space, Time and Gravity Come From?
...of the biggest unanswered questions in science and math today. In this episode, we’re going to be discussing the mysteries of space and time, and gravity, too. What’s so mysterious...