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The AI Researcher Giving Her Field Its Bitter Medicine
...would point it out and say, “No, don’t accept this.” That really helped. Did anything else get you excited about math and science? Before high school all the math that...
Teenager Solves Stubborn Riddle About Prime Number Look-Alikes
...about a certain math problem. It had roots in a broader question, one that the mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss considered to be among the most important in mathematics: how to...
AI Reveals New Possibilities in Matrix Multiplication
Inspired by the results of a game-playing neural network, mathematicians have been making unexpected advances on an age-old math problem. Mathematicians love a good puzzle. Even something as abstract as...
The Number 15 Describes the Secret Limit of an Infinite Grid
...finds a surprisingly straightforward answer. As an undergraduate at the University of Chile, Bernardo Subercaseaux took a dim view of using computers to do math. It seemed antithetical to real...
Elliptic Curves Yield Their Secrets in a New Number System
...burst to prominence in mathematics in 1994 when Andrew Wiles used them to prove Fermat’s Last Theorem, among the most celebrated results of 20th century mathematics. This past January, Ana...
New Proof Shows That ‘Expander’ Graphs Synchronize simplify these mathematical constraints enough for mathematicians to make headway on studying the system. Under most circumstances, such large systems of coupled differential equations are all but impossible to...
Physicists Observe ‘Unobservable’ Quantum Phase Transition
...Einstein and Erwin Schrödinger, two of the most prominent physicists of the day, got into a dispute over the nature of reality. Einstein had done the math and knew that...
Why the Human Brain Perceives Small Numbers Better
...used math to describe the world for millennia. In that sense, math is a fundamental part of being human. And, as this study starts to show, this calculation prowess might...
Why Locusts Swarm, Humans Do Good and Time Marches On
...mathematician of mathematicians, Terry Tao. All 24 episodes from season 3 will be available here or wherever you get your podcasts. The scientists and mathematicians interviewed for season three of...