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Minhyong Kim: Connecting Number Theory to Physics
Minhyong Kim wanted to make sure he had concrete results in number theory before he admitted that his ideas were inspired by physics. Tom Medwell for Quanta Magazine...
Nigel Goldenfeld: Seeing Emergent Physics Behind Evolution
Nigel Goldenfeld explains how condensed matter physics provides insights into the collective state of early life on Earth. Video by Seth Lowe for Quanta Magazine...
2023’s Biggest Breakthroughs in Physics
In 2023, physicists found the gravitational wave background that’s made by supermassive black hole collisions, teleported quantum energy in the lab, and puzzled over JWST’s potentially cosmology-breaking discoveries. Emily Buder/Quanta...
Could One Physics Theory Unlock the Mysteries of the Brain?
The phenomenon of criticality can explain the sudden emergence of new properties in a wide range of complex systems, from avalanches to flocks of birds to stock market crashes. Neuroscientists...
What Makes Physics Beautiful, According to a Nobel Prize Winner
Frank Wilczek discusses the work that led to his Nobel and the inherent beauty of physical law. Emily Buder/Quanta Magazine; Ian MacLellan for Quanta Magazine...
Color-Changing Material Unites the Math and Physics of Knots
Mathematicians have studied knots for centuries, but a new material is showing why some knots are better than others. One sunny day last summer, Mathias Kolle, a professor at the...
Carlo Rubbia on the Future of Particle Physics
Carlo Rubbia explains why he thinks particle physicists should take the next step by building a “Higgs factory.” Thomas Lewton for Quanta Magazine...
Helen Quinn: A Wormhole Between Physics and Education
Helen Quinn has blazed a singular path from the early days of the Standard Model to the latest overhaul of science education in the United States. Peter DaSilva for Quanta...
David Moore: Tabletop Physics
David Moore of Stanford University describes how, inside this chamber, silica spheres probe for distortions of gravity. Peter DaSilva for Quanta Magazine...