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Janna Levin’s Theory of Doing Everything
...of her physics career. She has also studied the limits of knowledge, ideas that found their way into her award-winning novel about the mathematicians Alan Turing and Kurt Gödel. Lately...
In Search of Dark Stars
...understand dark matter and her experiences as a woman in physics. “In my entire career I’ve always been aware of being a woman in physics,” she said. “Every room, every...
Quantum Questions Inspire New Math
...Study in Princeton, New Jersey. There is of course a long-standing and intimate relationship between mathematics and physics. Galileo famously wrote about a book of nature waiting to be decoded:...
Signs of a Stranger, Deeper Side to Nature’s Building Blocks
...which is mathematically simple. “These very complicated quantum mechanical collective effects are beautifully captured by black hole physics,” said Hong Liu, an associate professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute...
Strange Numbers Found in Particle Collisions
...the California Institute of Technology. Read the related Abstractions post: The Math That’s Too Difficult for Physics Feynman diagrams have served physics well over the years, but they have limitations....
At Multiverse Impasse, a New Theory of Scale
...for Nuclear Physics in Heidelberg who has co-authored several new papers on the scale symmetry approach. The basic equations of particle physics need something extra to rein in the Higgs...
The Evolutionary Argument Against Reality
...ignoring the progress in fundamental physics, they are often explicit about it. They’ll say openly that quantum physics is not relevant to the aspects of brain function that are causally...
Multiverse Collisions May Dot the Sky
...Aspen Center for Physics, Peiris found herself chatting with the Perimeter Institute’s Matt Johnson, who mentioned his interest in developing tools to study the idea. He suggested that they collaborate....
The Physical Origin of Universal Computing
...this form of Deutsch’s principle from the laws of physics. Part of the reason is that we don’t yet know what the laws of physics are! In particular, we don’t...