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A New Spin on the Quantum Brain
...when he published a paper in Annals of Physics proposing that the nuclear spins of phosphorus atoms could serve as rudimentary “qubits” in the brain — which would essentially enable...
Fluid Tests Hint at Concrete Quantum Reality
...only describes simple interactions between matter and electromagnetic fields, according to David Wallace, a philosopher of physics at the University of Oxford in England, and cannot even capture the physics...
Perpetual Motion Test Could Amend Theory of Time
...the fundamental laws of physics, was hard to swallow. Did the work constitute a major breakthrough or faulty logic? Jakub Zakrzewski, a professor of physics and head of atomic optics...
In Pursuit of Quantum Biology With Birgitta Whaley
As an undergraduate at Oxford University in the mid-1970s, K. Birgitta Whaley struggled to choose between chemistry and physics. Now, as a professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and...
Possible Echo of Big Bang Detected
...provide strong hints that the new physics responsible for inflation may involve grand unification,” said Marc Kamionkowski, a professor of physics and astronomy at Johns Hopkins University, referring to the...
Dividing Droplets Could Explain Life’s Origin
...Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems and the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, both in Dresden, suggests an answer. The scientists studied the physics...
What Sonic Black Holes Say About Real Ones
...Can Analogies Reveal the Laws of Physics? In the years following Unruh’s talk, black holes — places where general relativity and quantum mechanics, the two pillars of modern physics, meet...
Science Evolves. Will Science Education?
...studied a mix of physics, mathematical physics and literature at Cornell University.) I also looked for ways to extend my teaching beyond the canned lessons in the school-approved curricular guide....
Physicists Eye Quantum-Gravity Interface
It starts like a textbook physics experiment, with a ball attached to a spring. If a photon strikes the ball, the impact sets it oscillating very gently. But there’s a...