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Have Physicists Discovered a New Boson?
In 2012, the world’s biggest supercollider discovered the Higgs boson, completing the Standard Model of particle physics. Now a team of little-known Hungarian physicists claim to have found a new,...
‘Last Hope’ Experiment Finds Evidence for Unknown Particles
...particle physics,” said Stöckinger. The Fermilab g-2 experiment is “our last hope of an experiment which really proves the existence of physics beyond the Standard Model,” he said. If it...
How Will the Universe End? happen? (01:00) This isn’t the makings of a superhero movie. This is the type of theoretical physics that Dr. Katie Mack thinks about a lot. Dr. Mack is a...
Debate Intensifies Over Dark Disk Theory
...never completely went away. And recently, it has found a high-profile champion in Lisa Randall, a professor of physics at Harvard University, who has rescued the disk from scientific oblivion...
In a Grain, a Glimpse of the Cosmos
...deep inside the mantle or during an outer-space impact. Paul Steinhardt, a professor of physics at Princeton University, with a constructible model of a quasicrystal. A New Mineral Steinhardt, a...
How Is Science Even Possible?
...and physics is so powerful in its explanations makes another assumption. That assumption is reductionism. This goes back to another quote of another founder of modern physics, Paul Dirac, who...
‘Metaphysical Experiments’ Probe Our Hidden Assumptions About Reality
...where previous work in physics let its metaphysics go unacknowledged, in Bell’s work the two were truly and explicitly inseparable. The theorem was not about any particular theory of physics....
Sharon Glotzer’s Deep Curiosity About Order From Chaos
...a course from Bob Cousins, Professor Cousins on, like, particle physics. Like, you know, the upper division Intro to Particle Physics where you learn about quarks and color. And I’m...
At the Far Ends of a New Universal Law
...appeared in models of the wriggling perimeter of a bacterial colony and other kinds of random growth. Before long, it was showing up all over physics and mathematics. “The big...