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Inside the Din, Cells Fight Noise With Noise
...least in comparison to human-engineered systems,” Elowitz said. “I was coming from physics, where people devise clever ways to reduce noise and even more clever ways to utilize noise to...
Physicists Attack Math’s $1,000,000 Question
...numbers.” As mathematicians have attacked the hypothesis from every angle, the problem has also migrated to physics. Since the 1940s, intriguing hints have arisen of a connection between the zeros...
Evidence of a ‘Fifth Force’ Faces Scrutiny
...particle physicist at the University of California, Irvine, and colleagues. After spending months translating the nuclear physics finding into the language of particle physics and ensuring that no particle physics...
Does Time Really Flow? New Clues Come From a Century-Old Approach to Math.
The laws of physics imply that the passage of time is an illusion. To avoid this conclusion, we might have to rethink the reality of infinitely precise numbers. Strangely, although...
The Quantum Secret to Superconductivity
...Philip Anderson, a Nobel Prize winner and one of the founders of condensed-matter physics, advanced in the 1980s. Sachdev posits a kind of order in cuprates that isn’t seen in...
A Physicist’s Physicist Ponders the Nature of Reality
Edward Witten reflects on the meaning of dualities in physics and math, emergent space-time, and the pursuit of a complete description of nature. Among the brilliant theorists cloistered in the...
What Is Quantum Field Theory and Why Is It Incomplete?
...and then simulating. And yet there’s a fundamental obstacle seemingly to discretizing the laws of physics as we know it. So we can’t simulate the laws of physics, but it...
Frank Wilczek on the Strong Force, Quarks and Dark Matter
...of the greatest accomplishments in theoretical physics over the past hundred years, including an explanation for the strong nuclear force and key contributions to our understanding of quantum chromodynamics. This...
Is Perpetual Motion Possible at the Quantum Level?
...physics at Stanford University. In 2021, she received the New Horizons in Physics Prize from the Breakthrough Prize Foundation for her work on non-equilibrium quantum matter, including time crystals. She...