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Nobel Prize Awarded for Quantum Topology
Three physicists were awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics today for rewriting our understanding of exotic quantum states on the surfaces of materials. Their work explains the behavior of superconductors...
Einstein’s Parable of Quantum Insanity
...reality, is the very model of Einstein Sanity. With that triumph in mind, let us return to the apparent Einstein Insanity of quantum physics. Might that difficulty likewise hint at...
A Prodigy Who Cracked Open the Cosmos
Frank Wilczek has been at the forefront of theoretical physics for the past 50 years. He talks about winning the Nobel Prize for work he did as a student, his...
What Is Quantum Teleportation?
...fundamental questions, including in condensed matter physics, where we’re trying to understand highly entangled states of quantum matter, and in gravitational physics. This story goes back a long way to...
Machine Learning Gets a Quantum Speedup
Two teams have shown how quantum approaches can solve problems faster than classical computers, bringing physics and computer science closer together. For Valeria Saggio to boot up the computer in...
Can Information Escape a Black Hole?
...with it is, it violates a principle of physics. The principle of physics is “nothing ever gets completely lost.” You say, well, that’s crazy. If I take a piece of...
A Digital Copy of the Universe, Encrypted
...cues from the LHC on data handling, Jones said. Big Data in Physics Some past, present and future large-scale physics experiments and the number of petabytes (1015 bytes) of data...
An Italian Cosmologist Who Wanders in Dante’s Dark Wood
...about cosmology at all when I started physics, and even then I wasn’t very convinced about physics in itself. But physics offered me a good opportunity to combine several different...
Quantum Theory Rebuilt From Simple Physical Principles
...studied detached from its application to physics,” Chiribella said. This approach doesn’t address any underlying physics at all, but just considers how outputs are related to inputs: what we can...