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What Is the Nature of Time? the past? And how might quantum physics redefine it in the future? Frank is the Herman Feshbach Professor of Physics at M.I.T., a distinguished professor at Arizona State University,...
A New Map of the Universe, Painted With Cosmic Neutrinos
Physicists finally know where at least some of these high-energy particles come from, which helps make the neutrinos useful for exploring fundamental physics. Of the 100 trillion neutrinos that pass...
A Bold Critic of the Big Bang’s ‘Smoking Gun’
In mid-March, a panel of four astrophysicists working on an experiment to probe the first moments of time held an extraordinary press conference at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA)...
Colliding Black Holes Tell New Story of Stars
...universe, akin, some said, to when Galileo first pointed a telescope at the sky. Already, the new gravitational-wave data has shaken up the field of astrophysics. In response, three dozen...
Peering Into the Early Universe
...fields of astronomy, physics and cosmology. In addition to the planned experiments, scientists hope to be surprised by unforeseen, paradigm-shifting observations, the way a previous generation of four-meter telescopes discovered...
A Grand Theory of Wrinkles
...but they don’t provide much insight into the underlying physics. “There are these huge programs where they basically just put everything and the kitchen sink into it, and then yeah,...
Gravitational Waves Discovered at Long Last
...make waves in space-time. Rainer Weiss, a professor of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, around 1970. Still, Einstein and his colleagues continued to waffle. Some physicists argued that...
Quantum Computing Without Qubits
...but rather are designed to explore specific problems in quantum physics. A classical computer would have to run for thousands of years to compute the quantum equations of motion for...
LIGO Reports Second Black-Hole Merger
...professor of physics at Syracuse University, told Quanta that the two observations to date “tell us the black holes exist over a broad range of masses, from about seven to...