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How Steven Weinberg Transformed Physics and Physicists
...physics, in the first of his many tour de force textbooks, Gravitation and Cosmology. He also realized that the seemingly disparate fields of particle physics and cosmology had to be...
How Mathematical ‘Hocus-Pocus’ Saved Particle Physics
Renormalization has become perhaps the single most important advance in theoretical physics in 50 years. In the 1940s, trailblazing physicists stumbled upon the next layer of reality. Particles were out,...
How to Tame the Endless Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics
How to Tame the Infinities Hiding in the Heart of Particle Physics In the math of particle physics, every calculation should result in infinity. Physicists get around this by just...
Crucial Computer Program for Particle Physics at Risk of Obsolescence
...particle physics calculations outpaces the exponential growth of computing power. As crucial as software like FORM is for physics, the effort to develop it is often undervalued. Vermaseren was lucky...
The Most Famous Paradox in Physics Nears Its End
...Wormholes, the holographic principle, emergent space-time, quantum entanglement, quantum computers: Nearly every concept in fundamental physics these days makes an appearance, making the subject both captivating and confounding. And not...
Secret Link Uncovered Between Pure Math and Physics
...years I was somewhat embarrassed by the physics connection,” he said. “Number theorists are a pretty tough-minded group of people, and influences from physics sometimes make them more skeptical of...
How Noether’s Theorem Revolutionized Physics
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights continue to shape physics. In the fall of 1915, the foundations...
The Logic That Must Lie Behind a New Physics
...the more fundamental physics — space-time depends on the physics of quantum gravity. That would be demonstrated if general relativity is derivable from quantum gravity. But space-time and its behavior...
A New Physics Theory of Life
...2014, to reflect that Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize in chemistry, not physics. Jeremy England, a 31-year-old physicist at MIT, thinks he has found the underlying physics driving the...