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How Life Turns Asymmetric
...view on this: Anything that’s not forbidden by the laws of physics is possible.” This article was reprinted on Scientists are uncovering how our bodies — and everything within...
Solution: ‘Which Forecasts Are True?’ I’ve said before in these columns, is that physics of one or two particles is far simpler, and therefore far kinder to our mathematical models, than the highly messy...
New Twist Found in the Story of Life’s Start
...of life’s handedness in the prebiotic worlds of physics and chemistry, not biology. Many molecules come in mirror-image forms, known as left-handed and right-handed. A chemical process will create both...
A Proof That Some Spaces Can’t Be Cut
...dissertation adviser at Harvard, and Tomasz Mrowka, a topologist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, combined equations that originated in quantum physics with Floer homology to construct a powerful invariant...
Three Puzzles Inspired by Ramanujan
...lives, and is finding applications in computer science, string theory, and the mathematical basis of black hole physics. A monthly puzzle celebrating the sudden insights and unexpected twists of scientific...
Solution: ‘The Road Less Traveled’
...example from real science, beautifully described by Natalie Wolchover here in Quanta Magazine, is the amplituhedron, the jewel at the heart of quantum physics. In our case, the clever trick...
For Persi Diaconis’ Next Magic Trick …
...smooshing will confer only inconsequentially tiny increments of additional randomness. The cutoff phenomenon, which occurs in a variety of situations in math and physics, owes its discovery to an earlier...
A Life in Games
...students in math, physics and computer science, as well as for many people with jobs that provided access to idling mainframe computers. A U.S. military report estimated that the workplace...
Solution: A Hat Trick + 1 of Hat Puzzles
...postdoc in physics at Kyushu University.) In this game, there are 10 contestants. As before, they are given instructions by the host and allowed to confer before the game. The...