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AI Starts to Sift Through String Theory’s Near-Endless Possibilities
...macroworld of particles would emerge. “Does string theory make unique predictions? Is it really physics? The jury is just still out,” said Lara Anderson, a physicist at Virginia Tech who...
Controversy Continues Over Whether Hot Water Freezes Faster Than Cold misusing a refrigerator.” Thus begins a 1969 paper in the journal Physics Education in which Mpemba described an incident at Magamba Secondary School in Tanzania when he and his...
Physicists Create a Holographic Wormhole Using a Quantum Computer
...the holographic principle, a sweeping hypothesis about how the two pillars of fundamental physics, quantum mechanics and general relativity, fit together. Physicists have strived since the 1930s to reconcile these...
In Noisy Equations, One Who Heard Music one specialist’s words, but which, despite their seeming senselessness, arise frequently in physics. The equations are mathematical abstractions of growth, the hustle and bustle of elementary particles and other...
The Mysterious Forces Inside the Nucleus Grow a Little Less Strange
...nuclear physics,” said Laura Fabbietti, a physicist at the Technical University of Munich, “understanding [these] interactions from first principles.” After decades of work, powerful ways of spying on “hadrons” —...
In a Monster Star’s Light, a Hint of Darkness
...particle physics experiment on Earth will cut to the heart of the mystery much faster. But uncovering these isolated pockets of darkness — and any intricate physics that accompanies them...
The Cartoon Picture of Magnets That Has Transformed Science model virtually every interesting thermodynamic phenomenon.” It has also penetrated far-flung disciplines well beyond physics, serving as a model of earthquakes, proteins, brains — and even racial segregation. Here’s...
The Cosmologist Who Dreams in the Universe’s Dark Threads
...use a collection of telescopes in the Chilean desert and at the South Pole. Dvorkin’s research sits at the nexus of particle physics and cosmology, which have both reached a...
Wheel Made of ‘Odd Matter’ Spontaneously Rolls Uphill
Physicists have solved a key problem of robotic locomotion by revising the usual rules of interaction between simple component parts. In a physics lab in Amsterdam, there’s a wheel that...