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Physicists Use Quantum Mechanics to Pull Energy out of Nothing
...battery — but all he has access to is empty space. Fortunately, his friend Alice has a fully equipped physics lab in a far-off location. Alice measures the field in...
High-Temperature Superconductivity Understood at Last a particular direction, like a quantum-size magnet. The late Philip Anderson, an American Nobel laureate and all-around legend in condensed matter physics, put forth a theory just months after...
Neutrinos Suggest Solution to Mystery of Universe’s Existence
...Model of particle physics, every particle has a mirror-image particle that carries the opposite electrical charge — an antimatter particle. When matter and antimatter particles collide, they annihilate in a...
Evidence Found for a New Fundamental Particle
...neutrino physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and a member of the MiniBooNE collaboration. The existence of a sterile neutrino would revolutionize physics from the smallest to the largest...
Why Gravity Is Not Like the Other Forces
...these possibilities remain conjectural and incompletely understood. A working quantum theory of gravity is perhaps the loftiest goal in physics today. What is it that makes gravity unique? What’s different...
Growing Anomalies at the Large Hadron Collider Raise Hopes
...physics — the reigning set of equations describing the subatomic world. Taken alone, each oddity looks like a statistical fluctuation, and they may all evaporate with additional data, as has...
The Sun Is Stranger Than Astrophysicists Imagined
The sun radiates far more high-frequency light than expected, raising questions about unknown features of the sun’s magnetic field and the possibility of even more exotic physics. A decade’s worth...
Did the Chicken Come First or Is It Turtles All the Way Down?
The apparent paradox of the chicken and the egg smells like “turtles all the way down.” This puzzle shows how biology and physics can overcome infinite regress. When you consider...
Will Better Superconductors Transform the World?
...would win Kamerlingh Onnes the 1913 Nobel Prize in Physics. [Theme ends] But more importantly, it marked the start of an unresolved quest for material that maintains perfect conductivity at...