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The New Thermodynamic Understanding of Clocks
Studies of the simplest possible clocks have revealed their fundamental limitations — as well as insights into the nature of time itself. In 2013, a masters student in physics named...
Physicists Pin Down How Quantum Uncertainty Sharpens Measurements
...Researchers say that the new understanding forges links between disparate areas of quantum physics and that it could prove useful in experiments that use sensitive photon detectors. The paper is...
New Kind of Magnetism Spotted in an Engineered Material
...theoretical physicists at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, he wants to explore whether kinetic mechanisms like those at play within the moiré material could be used to manipulate charged particles...
Exotic New Superconductors Delight and Confound
...impede electric flow. Bardeen, Cooper and Schrieffer’s theory of phonon-based superconductivity earned them the physics Nobel Prize in 1972. But it turned out not to be the whole story. In...
Quantum Complexity Tamed by Machine Learning
If scientists understood exactly how electrons act in molecules, they’d be able to predict the behavior of everything from experimental drugs to high-temperature superconductors. Following decades of physics-based insights, artificial...
A Physicist’s Approach to Biology Brings Ecological Insights
...migrated to biophysics, probing the complicated mechanics of the DNA molecule. He returned to MIT as a postdoc, and this time he pushed beyond the boundaries of conventional biophysics, using...
What Made the Moon? New Ideas Try to Rescue a Troubled Theory
...from melted bits of Earth. The Apollo rocks are then in direct conflict with what the physics insist must be true. “The canonical model is in serious crisis,” said Sarah...
A World Without Clouds
...the simulated climate “goes over a cliff,” said Kerry Emanuel, a climate scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. A leading authority on atmospheric physics, Emanuel called the new findings...
Scientists Unravel How the Tonga Volcano Caused Worldwide Tsunamis
...hours after the volcano’s explosive zenith. “All of the mechanics and physics are quite similar,” said Eric Anderson, a researcher at the Colorado School of Mines who studies interactions between...