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Star-Swallowing Black Holes Reveal Secrets in Exotic Light Shows
...of astrophysicists proposed a new theoretical model for how TDEs work. The model can explain why different TDEs can appear to behave differently, even though the underlying physics is presumably...
On the Best Use of Science to Safeguard Humanity
...of mathematical physics, whereas I stayed with phenomenology physics. My work had more links to observation. Can you tell us more about why the 1960s were such a remarkable moment...
A Physicist Who Models ISIS and the Alt-Right
...buttoned-up professor of physics at the University of Oxford. Then, a decade ago, he decamped to the University of Miami — a young institution that he sees as unconstrained by...
Physicists Aim to Classify All Possible Phases of Matter
...sphere and the torus. They’ve also begun to explore the wilderness of phases that can arise near absolute zero in 3-D matter. “It’s not a particular law of physics” that...
Elusive Higgs-Like State Created in Exotic Materials
Two teams of physicists have created the “Higgs mode” – a link between particle physics and the physics of matter. The work could help researchers understand the strange behavior of...
New Quantum Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong
...the foundations of quantum physics. The experiment is decidedly strange. For example, it requires making measurements that can erase any memory of an event that was just observed. While this...
Mysterious Quantum Rule Reconstructed From Scratch
...Thomas Galley of the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo, Canada, and Markus Müller of the Institute for Quantum Optics and Quantum Information in Vienna have proposed a new...
Trouble Detected in Infamous Dark Matter Signal
...saw otherwise. In a paper posted April 4 to the physics preprint site, three physicists showed that a standard dark-matter WIMP cannot produce the new DAMA signal. “The vanilla...
Black, Hot Ice May Be Nature’s Most Common Form of Water
...crystals, causing its melting point to soar upward. But all this was easy to imagine and hard to trust. The first models used simplified physics, hand-waving their way through the...