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Theoretical physics

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A Fight for the Soul of Science

December 16, 2015

If a theory can’t be tested, is it still science?

Visions of Future Physics

September 22, 2015

Nima Arkani-Hamed is championing a campaign to build the world’s largest particle collider, even as he pursues a new vision of the laws of nature.

Theories of Everything, Mapped

August 3, 2015

Explore the deepest mysteries at the frontier of fundamental physics, and the most promising ideas put forth to solve them.

Paradoxical Crystal Baffles Physicists

July 2, 2015

At super-low temperatures, a crystal called samarium hexaboride behaves in an unexplained, imagination-stretching way.

The Fuzzball Fix for a Black Hole Paradox

June 23, 2015

By replacing black holes with fuzzballs — dense, star-like objects from string theory — researchers think they can avoid some knotty paradoxes at the edge of physics.


A Private View of Quantum Reality

June 4, 2015

Quantum theorist Christopher Fuchs explains how to solve the paradoxes of quantum mechanics. His price: physics gets personal.

A New Theory to Explain the Higgs Mass

May 27, 2015

Three physicists have proposed a new solution to one of the deepest mysteries in particle physics: why the Higgs boson has such a tiny mass.

‘Penguin’ Anomaly Hints at Missing Particles

March 20, 2015

A statistical anomaly in the signal from rare particle decays at the Large Hadron Collider offers hope that new discoveries might be around the corner.

In Fake Universes, Evidence for String Theory

February 18, 2015

If string theorists can show that their framework is the only consistent theory of quantum gravity, does that make it true even without tangible evidence?

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