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Symmetry, Algebra and the Monster

August 17, 2017

To begin to understand what mathematicians and physicists see in the abstract structures of symmetries, let’s start with a familiar shape.


Moonshine Master Toys With String Theory

August 4, 2016

The physicist-mathematician Miranda Cheng is working to harness a mysterious connection between string theory, algebra and number theory.


A Life Inspired by an Unexpected Genius

May 19, 2016

Greatness was always expected of Ken Ono. But as he struggled with his parents’ expectations, he found solace and inspiration in the life of two-time college dropout — and mathematical genius — Srinivasa Ramanujan, the subject of the film The Man Who Knew Infinity.

Mathematicians Chase Moonshine’s Shadow

March 12, 2015

Researchers are on the trail of a mysterious connection between number theory, algebra and string theory.

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