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Artificial intelligence
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Symbolic Mathematics Finally Yields to Neural Networks
After translating some of math’s complicated equations, researchers have created an AI system that they hope will answer even bigger questions.
Common Sense Comes Closer to Computers
The problem of common-sense reasoning has plagued the field of artificial intelligence for over 50 years. Now a new approach, borrowing from two disparate lines of thinking, has made important progress.
Machine Learning Takes On Antibiotic Resistance
To combat resistant bacteria and refill the trickling antibiotic pipeline, scientists are getting help from deep learning networks.
Artificial Intelligence Will Do What We Ask. That’s a Problem.
By teaching machines to understand our true desires, one scientist hopes to avoid the potentially disastrous consequences of having them do what we command.
An Idea From Physics Helps AI See in Higher Dimensions
The laws of physics stay the same no matter one’s perspective. Now this idea is allowing computers to detect features in curved and higher-dimensional space.
Playing Hide-and-Seek, Machines Invent New Tools
After millions of games, machine learning algorithms found creative solutions and unexpected new strategies that could transfer to the real world.
Computers Evolve a New Path Toward Human Intelligence
By ignoring their goals, evolutionary algorithms have solved longstanding challenges in artificial intelligence.
A Power Law Keeps the Brain’s Perceptions Balanced
Researchers have discovered a surprising mathematical relationship in the brain’s representations of sensory information, with possible applications to AI research.
Machines Beat Humans on a Reading Test. But Do They Understand?
A tool known as BERT can now beat humans on advanced reading-comprehension tests. But it's also revealed how far AI has to go.