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To See Black Holes in Stunning Detail, She Uses ‘Echoes’ Like a Bat

February 12, 2024

The astrophysicist Erin Kara measures time lags in black holes’ X-ray glows, which reveal the complexity of the objects’ closest surroundings.

Radio Maps May Reveal the Universe’s Biggest Magnetic Fields

February 6, 2024

A controversial technique has produced detailed maps of the magnetic fields in colossal galaxy clusters. If confirmed, the approach could be used to reveal where cosmic magnetic fields come from.

In a ‘Dark Dimension,’ Physicists Search for the Universe’s Missing Matter

February 1, 2024

An idea derived from string theory suggests that dark matter is hiding in a (relatively) large extra dimension. The theory makes testable predictions that physicists are investigating now.

The Best Neighborhoods for Starting a Life in the Galaxy

January 24, 2024

Some neighborhoods in the Milky Way may be better suited for making habitable planets than others.

Clashing Cosmic Numbers Challenge Our Best Theory of the Universe

January 19, 2024

As measurements of distant stars and galaxies become more precise, cosmologists are struggling to make sense of sparring values.

The Year in Physics

December 21, 2023

From the smallest scales to the largest, the physical world provided no shortage of surprises this year.

New Clues for What Will Happen When the Sun Eats the Earth

December 20, 2023

Recent observations of an aging, alien planetary system are helping to answer the question: What will happen to our planet when the sun dies?

Extra-Long Blasts Challenge Our Theories of Cosmic Cataclysms

December 11, 2023

Astronomers thought they had solved the mystery of gamma-ray bursts. A few recent events suggest otherwise.

Rogue Worlds Throw Planetary Ideas Out of Orbit

November 13, 2023

Scientists have recently discovered scores of free-floating worlds that defy classification. The new observations have forced them to rethink their theories of star and planet formation.

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